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Earlier this month, a meerkat in a bucket hat smoking a corncob pipe sold for more than fifty million stars (that’s a million grande Pike Place roasts).—Alex Watt, The New Yorker, 28 May 2022 And there is often a gingerbread man missing a leg or snowman missing a corncob pipe that could stand to be let go.—Star Tribune, 25 Dec. 2020
Andrew Jackson, who these days looks out quizzically from the back of every $10 bill, was born poor, married a rich heiress who smoked a corncob pipe, and died with 150 slaves, a 1,000-acre plantation and wealth equivalent to $133m.—Matthew Sweet, The Economist, 16 Nov. 2020 His fans loved the vainglory, the corncob pipe, the quavering tones, the martial romance.—Hampton Sides, Time, 11 Nov. 2019 Sporting a bushy beard, a corncob pipe, and a face riddled with pocks and crags, Wake looks like a cross between Captain Birdseye and Trotsky and sounds like a cartoon pirate.—David Sims, The Atlantic, 18 Oct. 2019 His picture in Confederate gray, smoking a corncob pipe, appeared in the yearbook.—al, 29 Aug. 2019